Happy New Year from Chapman Valley!

The team here (horsey and human!) at Chapman Valley Horse Riding would like to wish everyone a massive HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope 2015 was a successful and exciting year for you all, and that 2016 brings many more adventures!!! We’ve had a busy year this year! With our Horses participating in the Mates4Mates program […]
Holiday with your Horses

Looking for an escape to share with your four-legged friend? We now offer Horse riding holidays where you can holiday with your horses at Chapman Valley Horse Riding. Bring your horse on holiday – they deserve it too! 8,000 acres of mixed bushland, open paddocks and fire trails to explore – more than 120kms of […]
Trail Rides for Experienced Riders a success!

On Sunday the of July, 2015 Chapman Valley Horse Riding hosted the first of our experienced riders only trail rides, and it was a huge success! To qualify for these rides you must be able to confidently handle your horse at a walk, trot (rising) and canter in a group of horses over changing terrain. […]