A beautifully inspiring Horse Quote, about living life to it’s fullest.

Beautiful Horse Quote
Jerry was a rescue from the RSPCA. I shudder to think what he may have seen and suffered through in his past. Yet here he is, as loving and affectionate as ever, and loving every minute here at Chapman Valley Horse Riding as if he’s never had a bad day in his life.
Imagine if we all lived like this, entirely in the moment treating everyone with kindness and being thankful for each day we are alive.

Rescuing a Horse from the RSPCA has been the most rewarding thing we’ve done here at Chapman Valley Horse Riding. We have two horses amongst our ranks who were rescued, and who are now successfully rehabilitated and are taking part in our Trail Rides. They are loving every day of being a trail horse, and are an amazing asset to our rides.

Want to meet our rescue Horses? Book in for a Horse ride, and you might even get the chance to ride one of our rescue boys!